Laboratory manager
2014 - 2015
Managed the Central Analytical Facility of the Chemistry Institute at UFF -
Universidade Federal Fluminense, a Brazilian federal university. Increased the
availability of the laboratory equipment. Automated the scheduling and usage
report processes. Launched training courses.
- Automated the analyses scheduling process with Google Suite
- Increased the availability of laboratory equipment by 100 %
- Automated the equipment usage report with Python
- Launched equipment training and data analysis courses
- More than one hundred students, technicians, and teachers trained
- Built and implemented the standardization and process workflow for access and training on each laboratory and all equipment of the Facility
Training courses offered by me:
- Data analysis with Excel
- Data analysis with Origin
- Zeta potential and particle size analyses - Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS90
- Thermogravimetric analyses - Shimadzu DTG-60
- Spectrophotometric analyses - Varian Cary 50
- Spectrophotometric analyses - Varian Cary 5000
- Spectrophotometric analyses - FTIR Varian 660